• Information
  • Threats
  • Did you know that


Deers are distributed in almost all of Europe, Northern Africa, most of the mountain ranges of Southern Asia, Siberia, the Far East and Northern America. During the winter, they prefer to live in the forests, whereas during the summer they reach areas with higher altitude where the food is bountiful. According to Greek mythology, the deer was under the Artemis’ (Diana), the goddess, protection, admiring it for its wild and untamed character. In Greece, its numbers used to be high throughout the country; unfortunately, today it can only be found in the mountain of Parnis and in Rhodopi and Epirus in small concentrations. The population of the Red Deer has been reduced so much (about 600 animals remain) that the species is considered to be near extinction and considered as 'Critically Endagered' according to the Red Book of Endangered Species in Greece.


  • Illegal hunting is the most serious threat for the deer.
  • The intervention on and degradation of its natural habitat by human activity.
  • The great fire of the Parnis mountain on 2007 caused severe losses on the deer population (18 deer were found charred) and a significant destruction of its habitat.


  • The deer is the biggest herbivore in Greece.
  • Contrary to what its name suggests, the Red Deer that lives in Greece has a coat of red-brown color during the summer and of gray color during the winter.
  • Only male deers have antlers, which grow up to 2,5 cm a day.
  • When the antlers fully develop, they fall and regrow the next year.
  • The deer’s swift running and acute senses are its only way to defend itself.
  • It rolls in the mud in order to clean itself off parasites.
  • The male deer is polygamist (in each adult male account 8-10 females!)